Zena pictured with the co-breeder of our long coat super star boy. Pat Walker and Deb Norman did a great job of whelping Zena's litter. She relaxed on their horse farm in Springfield, Il while waiting for the birth of her royal heirs.
We are preparing to show and promote a longcoat if the standard is changed. Hoping of course, it does not change. BUT, if it does we have a royally bred baby to be "The Leader of the Band". His sire is Gr.Vic. Ch. Tazzman's Aregon ROM. His dam is Wolf Creek's Zenith of Merivern. Zenith is a full sister to Ch.PhoenixROM,Best In Show Sel.Ch.Galaxy,Gr.VictrixCh.Aquilla,Sel.Ch. Kallie, Sel.Ch.Antares and Ch. Orion. Casey,Andy, and Paul Gold are owned by Wolf Creek Zenith of Merivern.
Sam's beautiful mother is Sel. Ch. Hi-Cliff's Four Star Review.
Sam's breeders are the renown Cliff Family-Pat, Randy and Darlene Cliff.
Sam came to us through the generosity of Pat and Celeste Draper,
Cherpa German Shepherds, Riverside, California.
Pat and Celeste are breeding some very quality animals. Watch for them
at this years National Specialty, in St. Louis, Mo.
Sam's handsome handler and best friend is Jon Beyer.