Saturday, September 20, 2014


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We are preparing to show and promote a longcoat if the standard is changed.  Hoping of course, it does not change.
BUT, if it does we have a royally bred baby to be
"The Leader of the Band".
His sire is Gr.Vic. Ch. Tazzman's Aregon ROM.
His dam is Wolf Creek's Zenith of Merivern.
Zenith is a full sister to Ch.PhoenixROM,Best In
Show Sel.Ch.Galaxy,Gr.VictrixCh.Aquilla,Sel.Ch. Kallie, Sel.Ch.Antares and Ch. Orion.
Casey,Andy, and Paul Gold are owned by
Wolf Creek Zenith of Merivern.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Truth be told, she runs the household. We just live here.